Electrical Spinal Cord Stimulation Treatment

The person is sedated given a local anesthetic or both.
Electrical spinal cord stimulation treatment. The first step in the process is a trial period of spinal cord stimulation. Spinal cord stimulation is a procedure that delivers low level electrical signals to the spinal cord or to. Spinal cord stimulation is a treatment for pain that uses a mild electric current to block nerve impulses in the spine. This process goes by many different names including brain machine interface brain controlled interface neural control interface and mind machine interface.
Description a trial electrode will be put in first to see if it helps your pain. Spinal cord stimulation was first used to treat pain in 1967. After a patient has been evaluated and non surgical treatments have been used spinal cord stimulation is considered to help manage chronic pain. The last treatment that uses electrical stimulation for spinal cord injury is brain computer interface.
A spinal cord stimulator is an implanted device that sends low levels of electricity directly into the spinal cord to relieve pain. However they all refer to the same process. By placing a stimulating electrode over the spinal cord the pain signal cannot be sent up from the spine to the brain. Spinal cord stimulation for chronic back pain uses electrical pulses to stimulate nerves in the spinal cord with the goal of interfering with the path of pain signals as they travel to the brain.
When other pain treatments have failed spinal cord stimulation may be an option.