Esophageal Varices Rubber Band Ligation

The bands are placed around the varices to cause them to shrink.
Esophageal varices rubber band ligation. Band ligation can be performed on as many veins as necessary and may be repeated every 4 weeks until the varices have stopped bleeding. These rings are similar to rubber. If your esophageal varices appear to have a high risk of bleeding or if you ve had bleeding from varices before your doctor might recommend a procedure called endoscopic band ligation. The procedure is performed during an upper gastrointestinal.
Variceal banding is commonly performed using endoscopic techniques. The frequency of esophageal variceal band ligation evbl for the eradication of esophageal varices has no consensus. The bands may be used to prevent or stop bleeding. After the bleeding is controlled the doctor may prescribe medications to reduce blood pressure in the portal vein and prevent bleeding from starting again.
The scope is moved down your throat until it reaches the varices or the area that is bleeding. This video demonstrates esop. Band ligation of esophageal varices the rupture of gastric varices results in variceal hemorrhage which is one the most lethal complications of cirrhosis. Band ligation what is band ligation of esophageal varices.
Esophageal variceal band ligation is the best form of management for variceal bleeding until liver transplantation or surgical shunting is unavoidably required as a result of recurrent bleeding. In variceal banding an endoscopy loaded with an elastic rubber band is passed through an overtube directly into the varix or varices to be banded. This is a videoendocsopy clip performed and narrated by dr. Joe galati of liver specialists of texas located in houston texas.
If left untreated esophageal veins varices can spontaneously rupture and cause severe bleeding. Small bands made of rubber are loaded onto the endoscope. An endoscope is a flexible tube with a light and camera on the end. Using an endoscope the doctor uses suction to pull the varices into a chamber at the end of the scope and wraps them with an elastic band which essentially.
How is band ligation performed.