Even Paladin Deck Hearthstone

Find popular hearthstone decks for every class card and game mode.
Even paladin deck hearthstone. Even paladin got nerfed and saw sporadic play towards the end of the witchwood expansion. A more midrange build of even paladin with highroll potential off off high abbess alura. 62 0 winrate 2 1. Control paladin on this page you will find the best control paladin decks.
Still needs some work but can be fun as is. These reached high legend by pro players. Even paladin is a hearthstone deck that s built around taking huge advantage of the hero power cost reduction provided by genn greymane. Paladin also has many strong class cards such as shielded minibot truesilver champion and tirion fordring.
Top decks the best decks in the current meta. Even paladin is supported by some of paladin s strong class cards. Paladin decks can be very versatile. Here you can find our latest paladin decks for the latest hearthstone expansion.
Libram paladin 55 legend wehap scholomance academy. This deck is made possible by genn greymane which reduces your hero power to costing just one mana. Paladin is able to utilize its hero power to win attrition battles against other control decks and is able to continually put minions on the board to feed aggressive decks. This is a hearthstone guide for even paladin with card list mulligan strategy and variants.
Quest decks demon hunter. Fresh decks paladin decks september 2020 standard. Wild even paladin deck guide 3 weapons 7 spells 20 minions wild even full guide. Exodia paladin uther.
We will provide you with the best decks for scholomance academy. Even paladin is a midrange deck that is able to curve out very consistently each game in order to make strong tempo plays. Compare winrates and find the deck for you. Best standard meta decks.
Must include these even if you don t want to they are essential for maybe 25 of the games i have won. Pure paladin updated sep 22 2020. Decks range from aggressive midrange and control. Basic paladin deck 2 weapons 6.
Find the best even hunter decks to play right now. 0 0 9 0 11 0 8 2 13 060. Even paladin is a newer archetype that came into the game via the witchwood expansion.